Sunday, April 11, 2010

Definition of Social Enterprise And Operating System

Could a socially oriented business entity? Is not merely pursuing profit businesses? Or conversely, can only move in yayasankah efforts dealing with social problems?

Similar questions have often sprung up but missed completely. Social entrepreneurs become new creatures that need to be seen.

Yes, the social entrepreneur is a new creature in Indonesia. When Compass invited by the British Council to see the relevant institutions in the UK social entrepreneurial, which comes to mind is just companies and foundations. The Company is a business entity seeking to maximize profits, while the foundation move more social enterprise but can not pursue profit.

Among companies and foundations are social entrepreneurs. Actually, social entrepreneurs (social enterprise) have appeared in college text books in the 1960s to the 1970s. Only later in the 1980s to the 1990s social entrepreneurship to spread and flourish. In the UK, one of the driving time is Bill Drayton, who founded named Ashoka social entrepreneurship.

"We define social entrepreneurship as business entities whose primary purpose is social. The advantage gained from its dinvestasikan back to the social objectives or for social interest. Social entrepreneurship is more than just motivated by a desire to maximize profits for shareholders or owners, "said Campaign Manager Entrepreneurial Ministry of Social Affairs and Culture Office Third Sector Tamsyn Roberts.

With such definitions, there are actually in Indonesia already social entrepreneurs, such as the Community Self Reliance. The institute is seeking profits through some business units, but the profit is reinvested to help small communities and farmers.
There are also several agencies with various projects submitted to the companies to complete a number of projects that are social, such as education and environmental improvement. These institutions take advantage of the projects done, but the advantage was to be reinvested for social purposes.

There is also a foundation or NGO, which also operates business units. The advantage gained from the effort used for their social activities. They were helped by the existence of these business units because they do not depend entirely made to the donors.

But unlike Indonesia, the UK social entrepreneurial institutions that receive government recognition. In addition to corporations and foundations, the British Government to admit the existence of social entrepreneurship. In fact, recognition is manifested in the form of existence of the Third Sector Ministry in which the care of social entrepreneurship. The mention of third sector to demonstrate the existence of institutions that stood between the government and the private sector.

Recognition was also manifested in the form of flushing the contested funds a variety of social entrepreneurs through the various projects proposed by institutions of social entrepreneurship. Although these funds are not just purely from the government, the government has the right to check the benefits of accepting those funds. This is to ensure these funds are not misused by the recipient.

Social entrepreneurs who got the funds then that is certainly working on the project must benefit the community, such as employment creation, reducing the number of residents who have no homes, and environmental improvement. The government will then audit the funds were disbursed. Government to check the benefit received by the public who become subjects in the projects.

"Our main fund derived from the Millennium Awards Trust, a legacy worth 100 million pounds from the Millennium Commission," said Director of Development UnLtd Zulfiqar Ahmed, a social entrepreneurial organizations that work on various projects from the fund.

Recognition of the existence of social entrepreneurship by the British government made of the fact that these institutions can meet the needs of the community by answering the challenges of social and environmental problems. Social entrepreneurship is also believed to encourage the things that are ethical in business, improve public services, and in fact social entrepreneurs-entrepreneurs create new entrepreneurs to solve community problems.

As a form of recognition that the Third Sector Affairs Ministry's office held a variety of activities to encourage social entrepreneurship performance. They gave the award, giving greater access in terms of financing, and business support for social entrepreneurship institute.

The development of institutions of social entrepreneurship in the UK has also given birth consulting institutions, development of studies on social entrepreneurship at several universities, even to institutions that provide meeting and conference facility services for the third sector.

Another interesting thing is the social entrepreneurial organizations provide opportunities for a number of volunteers actively engaged in the institution. Although social entrepreneurship is a governmental agency business but with the goals of social nature, these agencies provide an opportunity for volunteers to get involved.

Which may be the question is, how to manage employees in institutions of social entrepreneurship. Is it because of the social aims, then they can be paid potluck?

"We also paid decent. We paid a salary benchmark for those working in public service. When we served as manager, his salary will be standardized with manager salaries for public service agencies. The same thing when we served as a director, "said Director of Communications and Policy for Social Enterprise School Nick Temple is about the salary earned at the institution.

The development of this social entrepreneurial organizations also began to spread beyond the UK. Some countries in Asia also began to develop the institutions of social entrepreneurship, such as Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. Actually, the existing institutions of social entrepreneurs in almost many countries. It's just that there has been no acknowledgment from the government.

Thailand may be more fortunate. A number of parties, ranging from government institutions, media, NGOs, private entrepreneurs, to the capital markets, had gathered to talk about the existence of institutions of social entrepreneurship. In fact, they have created a road map for institutional recognition of social entrepreneurs.

In Indonesia actually has long institutions of social entrepreneurs emerging. Same as in several Asian countries in recognition of the institution does not yet exist. The government still saw only companies and foundations in accordance with existing law. Even so, social entrepreneurs have stepped.

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